Snowflake Bentley Resources


This Just In! NEW

Snowflake Bentley’s 19th-century images of snow crystals put online (2023) *London’s Natural History Museum recently scanned and made public an album of Bentley Snowflake Images dating from 1885 -1899.

CNN Report (2022) *Published just before the end of last year, here is the most recent take on the life of Wilson Bentley.

Snowflake Bentley Celebrated in Song (2022) *Steven Gorst, a former headteacher in the UK, has long been an admirer of Snowflake Bentley and taught many students about Bentley’s passion and work.

Another UK Singer/Songwriter Inspired by Bentley  (2022) *Marc Shearer sent along his tribute to Mr. Bentley.

Recent Stories About Bentley

The Microphotographic Wonders of Vermont’s 'Snowflake Man' - Atlas Obscura (2021)

Then Again: Like the frozen crystals he studied, ‘Snowflake’ Bentley, was one of a kind (2021)

Maryland artist refining snowflake art (2021)

Why Scientists Find Snowflakes Cool (2020)

Efforts to Restore Jericho’s Iconic Old Red Mill Home to the “Snowflake” Bentley Exhibit (2020)